8 Common Paw Problems for Dogs

Family Pooch - Paw Problems

The dog's feet and paws are crucial to their well-being. It is the foundation of their body and the pups learn to stand, walk and run from them. Dogs have one of the hardest and most important jobs on the planet; to provide a worthy and tough working relationship with their masters.

As a result, their paws, joints, muscles, and bones need to be strong and flexible. They also need to have a good sense of balance so they can run fast and quickly on a variety of terrains. But over time, a dog's paws can get more delicate and encounter a lot of pressure, so the dog experiences some common paw problems. After reading this article, you will know what common paw problems in dogs are and how to protect your dog.

What Are The Causes Of Paw Problem In Dogs?


A dog might have to deal with allergies and will often be constantly itchy. Unfortunately, this means an abundance of licking that might not be all in their heads. They may also bite, lick or chew on the paws frequently when they are trying to get relief from itching so as not to constantly be a nuisance for others around them by acting like a walking flea circus.

In the most extreme cases, persistent paw biting and licking could mean there's something else going on internally such as a medical condition related specifically when it comes down to allergies, which is where consulting a veterinarian comes into play as well.

Blisters and Burns

If it's too hot or you see cracks or gaps in the pavement, it's too hot to walk barefoot and could be damaging to your dog’s paws. It’s best to feel the pavement with the bottom of your hand and don’t let your dog run on it.

If you are unable to hold your hand on the road for more than 10 seconds, it's not safe for Fido. It could burn the delicate skin on a pet's paws. So be cautious and keep an eye out for any heat that might damage their paws.

Fungal and Bacterial Infections

If a dog's paws become irritated and inflamed from a bacterial or fungal infection then they may begin to lactate at the site of infection. Dogs who have developed an infection in this area commonly exhibit the following signs: redness, lathers and scratches on their feet, and scratches on the road with their feet.

Dogs often display curious behavior near the area where they itch, such as licking or scratching at their paws. It is common for dogs with fungal infections to experience changes in their nails including discoloration typically yellow or brown tinges to their nails as well as shedding.

Nail problems

  • Ingrown nails

    When nails are not trimmed properly they can become ingrown toenails, which is a condition where the nail starts growing inwards into your dog's skin.

  • Long nails

    Long toenails can be the cause of intermittent limping, the inability to grasp objects with their digits, or sometimes even lead to arthritis in some dogs. Make sure you take care of your dog’s nails regularly so that painful consequences won't arise.

Cracked Paw Pads

Dogs' paws have calluses on them so that they are better equipped to traverse smooth surfaces. However, all sorts of factors can cause dry and cracked paw pads, from wintery conditions to hot pavement, excessive licking, and chemicals. If your pet's paw pads get cracked they are at risk of getting an infection.

Cuts and Injuries

Dogs are known for being adventurous creatures and are constantly running around, exploring, and playing in a variety of environments. However, it's important to make sure you protect your canine companions from every threat by keeping an eye out for harmful substances such as dangerous items lying on the ground.

While walking on grass or hiking through fields may not be much of a problem at first glance, wild shrubs that people have carelessly discarded or pieces of broken glass might give your dog very nasty cuts or wounds - depending on where they get cut. It is therefore important to note that dogs need to wear proper protection too - especially when running or playing on rough grounds such as off-leash parks or asphalt.

Abnormal Growth

Any abnormal growth between your dog's paw pads can cause serious issues. If you see any such growths consult your vet immediately.


Ticks are unpleasant animals that can cause all sorts of uncomfortable problems for your pet. It’s best to have a veterinarian remove ticks from your dog's paw pad. Otherwise, you could wind up doing more damage than good.

How to Take Care Of Your Dog Paws?

Cutting your dog's nails is both an important and a (surprisingly) simple procedure. One rule of thumb is to cut your dog's nails when the tips of their nails begin to touch the ground as they walk. To avoid nicking the quick of your furball, it’s also helpful if you’re aware of any soft pink tissue in a dog’s foot. Cutting the nail too deep can cause injuries.

As the summertime approaches, it’s critical to know what’s healthy for your dog. In the warmer months, it’s important to be wary of hot lakes and pavement as they can cause burns on your dog’s paws. Pet care is a serious undertaking and can be even more difficult in the summertime when hot weather causes animals to have an increased risk of injury. While taking your dog out for walks, try to avoid cool concrete or asphalt surfaces which can cause damage to paws and increase this risk.

Also remember that de-icing chemicals used on sidewalks, roadways, and parking lots can be harmful to your pet’s health once ingested so try washing your dog’s paws with a Paw cleaner cup after walking him outdoors during colder months of the year.

It's important to check up on your dog's paws from time to time, as it's highly likely that injuries will appear if they have been running around outside or playing hard.


There are many different paw problems in dogs that are caused by different factors. Some of these problems can be alleviated with natural home remedies while others may require medical intervention. You must know the signs of these problems so that you can prevent them from occurring and treat them early on to minimize or eliminate the pain your dog is experiencing.

The Paw Cleaner Cup can help prevent infections and other serious consequences your dog will get when their paws are regularly exposed to the outside world.

From burns, irritation, and bacteria, your dog’s paws are regularly exposed to different things that can cause wounds and infections. This Dog Paw Cleaner Cup will provide you with a hassle-free way of making sure your dog’s paws are clean and free from bacteria after a walk outside.

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