Family Pooch donates to Animal Charities!

Donations to Charities

dog in a cage


Like you, the team at Family Pooch loves our dogs!!  Over the years, our dogs have made us laugh, cry, gasp and smile.  Our dogs have given us so much love and made our lives worthwhile.  Due to this,  Family Pooch is committed to helping out as many Animal Charities as we can.  We are pledging to all of you that 10% of our monthly profits will go to charities that make a difference to the dogs of our communities!

How will this all work?

What we plan is simple.  We will give 1% of our profits to each of 10 charities monthly. Each month the charities may change as we try to help as many organizations as possible.  As you will see below,   Family Pooch wants YOU involved in deciding who those charities will be.

We need you involved!

There are many Animal-based charities, and almost all are always in need of funds.  The first way you can help us is to find the best and most charities in need of funding. We will need to verify the charities and make sure the money will go to the care of the animals and not just to the general organization, but please, let us know who you nominate!  Please contact us on Social Media (FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestSnapchat, or LinkedIn), E-mail, or the Contact Page and let us know who you think would be a good candidate.

In addition to your own nominations, please get others involved!  Get them to our Social Media and have them nominated!!  Only the top10 nominated charities will be the ones that we will donate the profits for that month!  Each month we will reset and start counting again!

Lastly, of course, is to buy our products.  The more sales, the more profits we can share!

Thank You!

Family Pooch is really all up to you!  From what products we carry, to where the profits will go!  Thank you for being part of our family!


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